
AW Surveys

Thursday, December 29, 2011

60 Types of Plants Could Be Fuel Substitute

Various plants in Indonesia has the potential to become alternative to fuel oil (BBM), even the least 60 species of plants have been identified can be an alternative bioenergy to replace dependency on oil and the gas.This is expressed by Research and Technology Kusmayanto Kadiman in the seminar National Development and Utilization of Jatropha as Bioenergy in Indonesia in Jakarta, Saturday. The seminar was organized Community Growing Together, BRI, BNI and a number of state-owned industries and private companies are also explore the potential of Jatropha plants, cultivation and processing distance pieces.

Research and Technology states, national fuel demand tends to increase at least six percent / year. In recent years,trends of increased demand will not be comparable with production capabilities and management of national oil and gas potential.National oil production in 2004 approximately 44.5 million kiloliters, whereas consumption of about 62.3 kiloliters. Thus the deficit is estimated there are approximately 17.8 million kiloliters to be be imported.
National oil and gas potential tends to decrease in recent years more. Development of alternative energy is needed, one of which is to develop plants to be used as an alternative substitute for oil and gas. From research conducted, has found 60 species of plants food, farm and non-food bio-potential of energy. For crops that can be bioethanol, the other legumes (peanuts, soybeans and the like), tubers (cassava, sweet potatoes and similar), and grains (Maize, tan, cereals, and sunflowers).
Plantation could be biodiesel and bioethanol,
which is kind of like a coconut palm, oil palm, sago and different type of plant cane. Potential non-food crops
into biodiesel, including jatropha, distance kepyar and kapok cottonwoods.If for one type of bioenergy could be a substitution tamanan five percent of fuel needs, there will be savings approximately two million kiloliters, or equivalent to Rp. 9 trillion.Positive aspects, open employment and business fields for community to develop plants that could potentially be fuel substitution.It together with relevant agencies including the BPPT and LIPI continues develop plants that could potentially be a substitution Fuel, especially the distance. The development also involves community groups and colleges. One hectare land requires 2500 castor beans as seeds.
Research and Technology is also explained on biodiesel (methyl ester). Material This is a specially formulated liquid fuel to the engine diesel, made from vegetable oils (bio oil) without the need for modification the machine. Use of bio-diesel can be used 100 percent or as an ingredient substitution on petrodiesel.
Advantages of biodiesel has the effect of lubrication on the machine,lower coefficient of friction and protects the pump cam-profile pump.Reducing carbon emissions (CO), PM and free sulfur. Handling and storage easier, safe and nontoxic.Special biodiesel palm oil (CPO) has the advantage of raw material commercially available, production in 2003 as many as 10.68 million ton by the number of exported 5.32 million tons. Production in 2010 an estimated 17.5 million tonnes.
Palm oil is a potential for further development because banks, human resources, land and technology is ready.
It's just that palm oil is an edible oil (The daily needs) so that the biodiesel must compete with food. Cloud point of CPO ranges from 12-14 Celsius so only be used in the tropics. (Ant)

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