
AW Surveys

Thursday, July 31, 2008

MY NIECE (again)

I thought I'd be a good uncle and give this one another go with a slightly different style from my more 'cartooned version' from last Christmas. I'll be painting this one digitally (when I get the time of course!)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hopefully, this is the handsome dude who is going to help bring the first League Championship to Liverpool for the first time in 18 years............then again, maybe not.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I just discovered this on the 'Firing Squad' section of the NCN, drawn by the supremely talented artist Pete Emslie.
It's definitely one of my favorites!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Lil' Post

These three were successfully jacked.
Junior High art teacher that enjoys a fine dribble now and again.

British girl that wanted a skinny body.

This girl said she wanted to be chillin' with dolphins.
This kid, not as creepy as he looks, he was pretty cool.

This guy was veeeery interesting looking.

Wrestlin' a bear is cool.